Building your own DXP - Getting started with Drupal and Mautic

A presentation at DrupalCon Portland 2022 in April 2022 in Portland, OR, USA by Ruth Cheesley

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Building your own DXP - Getting started with Drupal and Mautic (workshop) Nick Veenhof Ruth Cheesley @MauticCommunity

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Agenda 1. Demo of Mautic & Drupal in action 2. Why personalize? A global market != 1 audience 3. DIY Workshop with Mautic & Drupal 4. In Closing 5. Homework! @MauticCommunity

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  1. Agenda Demo
  2. Why personalize? @MauticCommunity

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  1. Demo Why personalize?
  2. Workshop @MauticCommunity

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Awareness Consideration Purchase Retention Advocacy Paid ads Blog Web personalisation List segmentation Newsletter Web search Web forms Cart upsells Loyalty program Reviews Social Media Email Personalized Email Content personalisation Referral program Word of mouth Retargeting Call to action offers Customer Service @MauticCommunity

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Traditional Email Marketing Is Single Channel Focused ● Tracking email and link engagement ● No knowledge of activities on other channels ● Limited ability to track and nurture the journey of a contact through the buying cycle ● Simplistic personalisation of emails (first name), basic automation features Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

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Traditional Email Marketing often lands in the spam box because: ● One message sent to all - little customisation; ● Feels like ‘being sold something’ (which may not be relevant to you); ● Does not consider the contact’s position in their journey with the brand; ● Message is often inappropriate or not of interest to the recipient => Spam!

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Marketing Automation requires a combination of Software and Strategy ● Enables nurturing of prospects with highly personalised, useful content which helps convert them into customers ● Places the customer at the centre of everything and focused on developing a trusted relationship Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash ● Reduces points of friction in the customer journey ● Does not end when the sale is made!

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“ Today’s consumers expect personalization. Brands who use data-driven campaigns to deliver this are seeing the results. By using deep data to build your personas, you’re adding the emotional and behavioral component. @MauticCommunity

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  1. Why Personalize? Workshop 4. Closing @MauticCommunity

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Personalization demo with Drupal and Mautic Marketing Automation Scenario Marketing automation using Drupal & Mautic - Slides here: Demo use case 1. Capture online behavior 2. Understand intention 3. Make a conversion 4. Send email personalized to their intention @MauticCommunity

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Step 1 - Set up Drupal @MauticCommunity

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Method A: Gitpod ● ● ● ● ● ● Go to Your environment is being prepared, wait about 40 seconds (A splash screen will appear) VScode IDE will be displayed, a few seconds later you will see Umami demo. ddev composer require drupal/mautic_paragraph:1.x-dev ddev composer require drupal/asset_injector ddev drush uli Context: Drupal @MauticCommunity

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Method B: DDEV on your localhost ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● mkdir drupaldcon22 && cd drupaldcon22 ddev config —project-type=drupal9 —docroot=web —create-docroot —project-name=drupaldcon22 ddev start ddev composer create “drupal/recommended-project” —no-install ddev composer require drush/drush —no-install ddev composer install ddev composer require drupal/mautic_paragraph:1.x-dev ddev composer require drupal/asset_injector ddev drush site:install demo_umami -y ddev drush uli ddev launch Context: Drupal @MauticCommunity

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Method C: Pure PHP / no containers ● ● ● ● mkdir drupal && cd drupal && curl -sSL | tar -xz —strip-components=1 composer require drupal/mautic_paragraph:1.x-dev composer require drupal/asset_injector php ./core/scripts/drupal quick-start demo_umami -s -vvv After setting it up, store your credentials somewhere safe! If you get stuck on memory -> do php —ini, edit the ini file and replace memory_limit = 128M with memory_limit = 512M Context: Drupal @MauticCommunity

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Step 2 - Set up Mautic @MauticCommunity

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Method A: Gitpod ● Go to ● Your environment is being prepared, wait about 40 seconds (A splash screen will appear) ● VScode IDE will be displayed, a few seconds later you will see Umami demo. ● run ddev exec bin/console m:a:g ● run ddev exec bin/console cache:clear ● You can now login at the GitPod url using admin/mautic Context: Mautic @MauticCommunity

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Method B: DDEV on your localhost ● ● ● ● ● mkdir mautic && cd mautic && curl -sSL r.gz | tar -xz —strip-components=1 ddev config —project-name=mauticdcon22 ddev start ddev bin/console m:a:g You can now login at using admin/mautic Context: Mautic @MauticCommunity

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Disable Cors protection (demo only!) ●

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Step 3 - Prepare Drupal & install our required modules @MauticCommunity

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● Go to your Drupal URL and navigate to en/admin/modules ● Enable mautic_paragraph & asset_injector Context: Drupal @MauticCommunity

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Context: Drupal @MauticCommunity

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Step 4 - Add our tracking scripts @MauticCommunity

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Context: Drupal @MauticCommunity

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Context: Mautic @MauticCommunity

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● en/admin/config/development/asset-injector/js ● Add the script you find in your local or Gitpod Mautic. See settings -> Tracking in mautic ● IMPORTANT -> Remove <script> & </script> ● Save Context: Drupal @MauticCommunity

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Context: Drupal @MauticCommunity

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Step 5 - Configure Mautic integration in Drupal @MauticCommunity

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Go to Mautic -> Settings (gear icon) -> API Credentials ● Create a new Oauth 2 key ○ Redirect URI: [your Drupal URL]/mautic/callback ○ Store Client ID & Client Secret locally Context: Mautic @MauticCommunity

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Context: Mautic @MauticCommunity

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● Go to [your GitPod URL]/en/admin/config/services/mautic ○ Connector: Oauth ○ Protocol: https ○ Base URL: [your Mautic URL] ○ Port: Empty ○ Path: Empty ○ Client ID: (value from above) ○ Client Secret (value from above) ○ Submit, login to Mautic & accept! Context: Drupal @MauticCommunity

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Context: Drupal @MauticCommunity

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Context: Drupal @MauticCommunity

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Step 6 - Add newsletter signup form to Drupal @MauticCommunity

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Aims: 1. Encourage sign up to newsletter 2. Allow personalization by selecting interests @MauticCommunity

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Create a custom field where we’ll store the types of recipes the contact is interested in. Go to Settings > Custom Fields and create a custom field under the Contact object, using the Select - Multiple type Add “Vegan” & “Gluten-Free” Context: Mautic @MauticCommunity

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Create a form which will allow people to join the mailing list. ● ● ● Go to Components -> Forms > New -> Select Campaign form. Set the title: “Newsletter Subscription” Add Text fields to capture first name and email address Context: Mautic @MauticCommunity

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● Add a Select field for recipe interests, and under the Properties tab, set both options to Yes. Context: Mautic @MauticCommunity

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● Map the fields (under the Contact Field tab) to the relevant contact fields (using the custom field we created for interests), so that when the person submits the form, their contact profile is updated ● Edit the text shown on the submit button to ‘Send me the recipes’ ● Save & Close Context: Mautic @MauticCommunity

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● Go to your Drupal and navigate to Structure > Block Layout ● Go to content section & click Place Block ● Click “Add Custom Block” ● Choose “Mautic” ● Description: A wonderful newsletter full of recipes ● Title: Subscribe to our recipes ● Mautic form: Newsletter Subscription ● Submit Context: Drupal @MauticCommunity

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Context: Drupal @MauticCommunity

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Context: Drupal @MauticCommunity

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Context: Drupal @MauticCommunity

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Now we need to create a our Segments in Mautic ● Go to Segments and create a new segment called Newsletter. ● Click Save & Close ● Go to Segments and create a new segment called Vegan Recipes. ● Click Save & Close Context: Mautic @MauticCommunity

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Now we need to create a campaign in Mautic to add them to the right segments. ● Go to Campaigns > New and set the campaign title “Newsletter Signup” ● Launch Campaign Builder ● Select “Campaign Source” as Contact Source ● Select the form you just created as the source, and then add an action on the affirmative (+) path to Modify contact’s Segment > Add contact to the Newsletter segment and name it “Add to newsletter segment” Context: Mautic @MauticCommunity

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Context: Mautic @MauticCommunity

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● Add a condition from the top source, name it “If Vegan is selected” using the Form Field Value option. Select the newsletter signup form in the ‘limit to forms’ dropdown. ● Select the Food Preference Field in the dropdown, and use the ‘contains’ operator, with the value ‘Vegan’. Context: Mautic @MauticCommunity

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Context: Mautic @MauticCommunity

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● From the affirmative (+) path on this condition, add an action of Modify Contact’s Segments, and select the Vegan Recipe segment. Name it Add to Vegan Recipe Segment Context: Mautic @MauticCommunity

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Context: Mautic @MauticCommunity

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For this purpose, we are simulating a production environment. Execute the following actions ● Open your Drupal site in an incognito window ● Go to your Mautic site in the non-incognito window ● Verify if the contact is captured by going to Contacts and switch the toggle to see the anonymous contacts and verify if your user is captured ● Fill in the form that is on the homepage with your email address Context: Drupal & Mautic @MauticCommunity

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Context: Drupal & Mautic @MauticCommunity

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Assumption: In a production environment, cron jobs run every 5 minutes. When we run the cron jobs, the contacts will be added to the segments. simulating production. Execute the following actions in the Gitpod Mautic CLI SEPARATELY ddev exec bin/console m:c:r ddev exec bin/console m:c:t Now go to Segments and verify if your contact is in the segment Context: Mautic @MauticCommunity

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When sending out our regular mailings we can use Dynamic Content to change the information provided based on their interests. ● Create a segment email to send to this segment by navigating to Channels > Email, clicking New, and selecting New Segment Email. ● Set Subject to “Newsletter” ● Set Internal name to “Newsletter” ● Select the Newsletter segment ● Select the Paprika template and click Builder at the top of the page Context: Mautic @MauticCommunity

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● Drag in a Dynamic Content block from the right hand side (bottom right) ○ Create default content (sent to all who are not filtered) ○ Create a variant for people interested in vegan recipes using the filter ○ Save and close the email Context: Mautic @MauticCommunity

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○ Create two contacts manually to test the sending with: ■ Test contact ■ Test vegan contact ○ Manually add both contacts (so we don’t have to wait for the cron jobs to fire) to the newsletter segment by selecting them both in Contacts and going to Manage Segments in the multi-select dropdown menu ○ Add the vegan contact to the Vegan Recipes segment ○ Send the email by opening the email and clicking on Send. ○ Check for the difference in content (use Mailhog by accessing port 8027 to view the emails) Context: Mautic @MauticCommunity

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Context: Mautic @MauticCommunity

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Context: Mailhog (Gitpod Mautic @MauticCommunity

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Context: Mailhog (Gitpod Mautic @MauticCommunity

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Outcome: Anyone in the Vegan Recipes segment will receive customised recipes to their interests. Others will receive the default list. @MauticCommunity

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Done! @MauticCommunity

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  1. Workshop Closing @MauticCommunity

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Community Team Prod eam ion T uct T e am cat Edu e M ar ke t ing Te a m c an Fin l& m ga Tea e L @MauticCommunity

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Are there any… Questions? / Find us on Slack, the Acquia Booth or Twitter (@RCheesley / @Nick_vh) for more Q&A! @MauticCommunity

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Homework: Learn > Convert > Personalize @MauticCommunity

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Aims: 1. Understand intent 2. Prompt to sign up for recipes email alert 3. Personalise email content @MauticCommunity

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Understanding intent @MauticCommunity

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Go to your Mautic instance, and log in with admin/mautic Create a dynamic segment using the filter of Visited any URL with X page title > contains > vegan and do not make it visible on the preference centre @MauticCommunity

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Remember to press Save or Save and Close! @MauticCommunity

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Outcome: Anyone who visits a page containing ‘vegan’ in the page title, will be added to the ‘Vegan Curious’ segment. @MauticCommunity

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Interest-based newsletter prompt @MauticCommunity

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Now create a segment called Vegan recipes and do not set up any filters, but DO set it to be available in the preference centre. Remember that they will see the ‘Public name’ in the preference centre to select from, so make it customer-friendly. @MauticCommunity

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Create a custom field where we’ll store the types of recipes the contact is interested in. Go to Settings > Custom Fields and create a custom field under the Contact object, using the Select-Multiple type Add some options - for example vegan, gluten free etc @MauticCommunity

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Now let’s create a form which will show to people in this segment, prompting them to join our vegan recipes mailing list. ● Go to Components > Forms > Create and select Standalone form ● Add fields to capture first name and email address ● Map the fields to the relevant contact fields, so that when the person submits the form, their contact profile is updated @MauticCommunity

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● Add a hidden field using the custom field we just created, setting the default value to vegan ● Edit the text shown on the submit button to ‘Send me the recipes’ ● Add a form action to Modify contact’s segments, and add them to the Vegan recipes segment we just created. ● Click Save & Close @MauticCommunity

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Now create a Focus Item notification to show the form when people are in the vegan curious group. Go to Channels > Focus Items and create new. ● Name: Interested In Vegan Click Builder (top right), and set the following options: ● Type: Collect data ● Style: Notification; ○ Placement: Bottom right ● Colors: As you choose, to match the demo site use #da3c13 for primary and #78bd8f for button color, with #827a7a for text color @MauticCommunity

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● Content: ○ Headline: Want to be the first to hear when we publish new Vegan recipes? ○ Tagline: Join our Vegan recipes mailing list ○ Form: Select the form created above ○ Custom CSS: ■ Add some styling to give a gap between the text entry fields: ○ .mauticform-row {margin-bottom: 10px;} Close the builder & publish & save & close the focus item @MauticCommunity

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Now we need to create a campaign to publish this focus item only for people who are in the vegan curious segment. ● Go to Campaigns > New, set the title to “Interested In Vegan” & Launch the campaign builder ● Select the Vegan Curious segment as the source ● Set a “Decision” of Visits a page and in the URL enter: vegan @MauticCommunity

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On the affirmative track (+), add an action of ‘Show focus item’ and select the focus item you just created. @MauticCommunity

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Outcome: Anyone in the ‘vegan curious’ segment will see a notification prompting them to join the vegan recipes newsletter if they access a page with vegan in the url. @MauticCommunity

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Personalize email content @MauticCommunity