Spanning the digital divide throughout the customer lifecycle

A presentation at Automation Day in October 2020 in by Ruth Cheesley

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Spanning the digital divide throughout the customer lifecycle Ruth Cheesley - Mautic Project Lead @ Acquia @RCheesley

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Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash @RCheesley

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Image by fancycrave1 from Pixabay 85% 75% 6x higher transaction rates with personalised emails. Source: MarketingLand, 2013 of consumers are more likely to buy from a retailer that recognises them by name, recommends options based on past purchases, OR knows their purchase history. Source: EConsultancy, 2020 of consumers, where the homepage was personalised with promotions that were directly relevant to them, were influenced to make a purchase as a result. Source: Kibo, 2017

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ACQUIRE RETAIN Target the right offers and messages to maximise margin and retention Acquire customers at a lower cost; boost effectiveness of digital advertising ENGAGE @RCheesley Increase customer engagement & increase sales volume

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ACQUIRE RETAIN Target the right offers and messages to maximise margin and retention Acquire customers at a lower cost; boost effectiveness of digital advertising ENGAGE @RCheesley Increase customer engagement & increase sales volume

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ACQUIRE RETAIN Target the right offers and messages to maximise margin and retention Acquire customers at a lower cost; boost effectiveness of digital advertising ENGAGE @RCheesley Increase customer engagement & increase sales volume

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Companies have multiple ways to interact with their customers, from acquisition, conversion, growth to servicing their needs in both online and offline channels These interactions happen through siloed systems where the same customer may have many duplicate identities The winning strategy for the modern enterprise is to treat customers individually at scale. This requires an holistic view of the customer including single identity, behaviour and analytics. POS @RCheesley Ecomm Loyalty Call Center Email Web Mobile Youtube Facebook

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MESSAGING ● Special occasion campaigns ● Personalised recommendations ● Localised invitations to in store events ● Loyalty card scheme ● In-store personalisation ● Intent-based offers

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Image by YkleduY ABH from Pixabay @RCheesley CONTENT ● Personalised website content ● Cart abandonment campaigns ● Browse history informing content ● Location-specific content ● ‘Personal shopper’ profile ● Customer wishlist/favourites

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Image by YkleduY ABH from Pixabay OFFERS ● Drive in-store visits with exclusive offers to ‘warm leads’ ● Deeper discounts to customers you may lose, lighter offers for regular customers ● Tailor offers based on behaviour - cart abandonment, browsing behaviour etc @RCheesley

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Single, unified customer profile Create a single source of truth (customer data platform) that spans all places your customer interacts with you. @RCheesley Strategy to gain trust & deliver value Plan your marketing strategy around the customer. What value are you giving them for their data? Tools to deploy resources quickly Multi-channel campaigns Ensure your tools integrate with the data platform and allow you to quickly deploy personalised experiences Ensure your orchestration tool allows you to create multi-channel personalised campaigns Personalised Digital Experience When all these pieces are in place, you are well positioned to start personalising the whole customer journey across online and offline experiences Start small, and build iteratively, ensuring that you are always delivering value to the customer and the business.

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Mautic Project Lead, Acquia for slides & resources @RCheesley