Digital sovereignty is the idea that people, organizations and nations should have the right and ability to control their own digital destinies and not be entirely dependent on external factors
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What about data sovereignty?
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The business perspective
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Maybe open source can help us here?
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Wait .. open source, privacy focused marketing is a thing?
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Introducing the Open DXP ● ● ●
Fully integrated via API / integrations between tools Fully extendable Avoid vendor lock in - fully control and own every part of your marketing tech stack D-I-Y or work with sovereign cloud SaaS providers who respect data sovereignty
Inspired by Dropsolid’s DXP structure
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Where to start?
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Assess your status Explore your options Plan for change
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How dependent are you on your existing providers? Are you happy with that?
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Self-host tools on your own estate, create your own cloud, or work with sovereign cloud SaaS providers
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Do you have true ownership of the data in your marketing stack? Could you export everything (all customer data) and move to another system?
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Consider open source tooling which enables full transparency and access to your data on your own terms.
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Thank you! Come and find me on Stand 5 in the DX Zone Ruth Cheesley @RCheesley in all the places