This Girl Can Suffolk Getting Active With A Disability RUTH CHEESLEY @ RC H E E S L E Y / @T R A I N I N G W I T H E D S
A presentation at Suffolk Inspiring Women - This Girl Can Suffolk Ambassadors in March 2022 in Ipswich, UK by Ruth Cheesley
This Girl Can Suffolk Getting Active With A Disability RUTH CHEESLEY @ RC H E E S L E Y / @T R A I N I N G W I T H E D S
14 years in 2 minutes! 2008 A whistle-stop tour of how I came to be where I am today. @ RC H E E S L E Y / @T R A I N I N G W I T H E D S Diagnosed with EDS two years previous, but largely asymptomatic. Playing hockey for a local team, teaching expedition and adventure training in DofE Award, and generally doing OK. Serious health crash, signed off work for a month and unable to get back to work full t i m e . S eve re p a i n and crippling fatigue. 2010 2012 Health continuing to deteriorate, stuck in a constant cycle of boom and bust. Ever increasing amounts of pain medication just to function. Had to stop hockey, hill walking, just about everything I loved doing.
Started to use a wheelchair in an attempt to break the boom and bust c yc l e . N e e d e d t o strengthen my upper b o d y, so a bodybuilder friend offered to coach me over Skype/YouTube videos. My first coach! Found a trainer who worked with people who had disabilities. Gradually built my confidence, fitness and strength. 2016 Ran my first 5k and 10k, and joined the Ve g a n Ru n n e r s running club. 2020 2022 BEST YEAR YET! 2014 Recovering from a minor car accident, started intensive physio with AHP S u f fo l k . G r a d u a te d through all the classes, into their open gym. Gave me confidence that I could train safely without flaring/ injuring myself. 2018 @ RC H E E S L E Y / @T R A I N I N G W I T H E D S Continued to grow in c o n f i d e n c e . Followed My Peak Challenge and started to really get i n t o s t re n g t h a n d conditioning training, which seemed to have very positive impact on EDSrelated problems. Training for my first ultra marathon at Endure24 Reading in June. Focusing on strength training to support my joints and body. Working more positively with mental states.
TA K E T H E F I R S T S T E P START WHERE YOU ARE ✴ What am I capable of right now? ✴ What do I want to be able to do that I can’t do right now? ✴ What conditions do I need to put in place for that to happen? ✴ What one thing could I do today that will help me to move forward toward my goals? @ RC H E E S L E Y / @T R A I N I N G W I T H E D S
FIND YOUR PEOPLE GET SUPPORT ✴ Who can I be accountable to on this journey? ✴ How can I modify to meet my ability? ✴ Who will walk this path beside me? ✴ Who else has gone before me, what can they teach me? @ RC H E E S L E Y / @T R A I N I N G W I T H E D S
ALL IS MIND-MADE WORK WITH YOUR MENTAL STATES ✴ How do my thoughts about my condition hold me back? ✴ How do I face failure and disappointment? ✴ What am I doing to bring about positivity in my life? @ RC H E E S L E Y / @T R A I N I N G W I T H E D S
B E A PA R T O F S O M E O N E E L S E ’ S J O U R N E Y SHARE YOUR JOURNEY ✴ Find your safe space / your people ✴ Share and celebrate your successes ✴ Also share your challenges - we all have them! @ RC H E E S L E Y / @T R A I N I N G W I T H E D S
THIS GIRL CAN SUFFOLK AMBASSADOR RUTH CHEESLEY (she/her) What questions can I answer? for slides, recording, links and resources. @ RC H E E S L E Y / @T R A I N I N G W I T H E D S