The Mautic Update

A presentation at Mautic Conference Global 2022 in June 2022 in by Ruth Cheesley

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The Mautic Update Ruth Cheesley Mautic Project Lead @RCheesley

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Ruth Cheesley (she/her) Mautic Project Lead for slides, recording, links and resources

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Thank you sponsors!

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Thank you Mautic Partners!

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Looking back on 2021 … A year of great progress!

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Great to see new contributors!

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Recap on our Areas of Focus

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Areas of Focus for Mautic Features & Functionality

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Features and Functionality fi fi • • • • • • • • • Amazon SES API support Broadcast SMS support CCPA cron jobs Company overview Composer support Conditional form elds CSS in focus items Custom Objects support DDEV & Gitpod support • • • • • • • • • Enhanced progressive pro ling GrapesJS Builder Install at command line Install/upgrade checks Mautic Marketplace New Email templates Public segment names Relative dates in campaigns Tag manager

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Areas of Focus for Mautic Features & Functionality Ease of Use

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Ease of use • Starting to align with UX best practices • Introducing an automated check to highlight accessibility problems in the user interface (WCAG 2.0) • UI-UX Tiger Team currently recruiting! • Plans to establish standards and a pattern library to de ne and standardise the User Interface in Mautic fi Interested? Join us in #tt-ux_ui on Slack

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Areas of Focus for Mautic Features & Functionality Ease of Use Stability

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Stability • ~50% of Mautic’s core code is now covered by automated tests • We are getting better at testing and reviewing bug xes and features to cover the remaining 50% • Open Source Friday sprints are a great way to help with this! • Install and upgrade pre- ight checks introduced • Implementing ways to prevent updating with fi fl incompatible plugins

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Areas of Focus for Mautic Features & Functionality Ease of Use Stability Support

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Support • Awesome team of volunteers contributing daily on the Forums to help other community members • Complete overhaul of end-user and developer documentation, plans to re-platform and grow available content on the Knowledgebase • Season of Docs grant for Favour Chibueze to work on the end-user documentation for six months • Improving response time to bugs and regressions • Marketing Team developing a content calendar of informative blog posts

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Areas of Focus for Mautic Features & Functionality Ease of Use Stability Support Scale

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Scale • Multiple performance improvements made in recent releases - Acquia now supporting 7 million contacts per instance • Upcoming performance boost with Symfony Mailer and PHP 8 support • Starting work to streamline Mautic Core • Early stages of developing a longer term plan for architecture re-design (Next Generation)

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Areas of Focus for Mautic Features & Functionality Ease of Use Stability Support Scale Community

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Community • Continued growth in community members and contributions • Gradual return of in-person meetings and sprints

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Three in-person community events held in Europe since 2021. • Mautic Conference Europe (Hasselt, Belgium) • Mautic Developer Days (Ghent, Belgium) • Mautic Community Sprint (Budapest, Hungary)

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What’s up ahead? Looking over the horizon …

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What we’re going to cover. Mautic: What’s new, what’s coming, and your role in making it happen 1. 2. 3. Mautic 5 features, update and timelines Where we are going in the future, and why How you can help Mautic become more successful

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Mautic 5 … Features, update and timelines

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We are currently here. Mautic 5 is due at the end of September. That’s only 4 months away!

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Mautic 5 will ship with Symfony 5. • Symfony 5.4 is the current Long-Term Support version until 2024 • Symfony 4 to 5 is a substantial upgrade for Mautic (similar in scale with regards to the code changes required to the Mautic 2 -> Mautic 3 upgrade) • We plan to update to Symfony 6 when the Long-Term Support version is released • This will most likely make it into the next major update for Mautic next year

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Symfony 5 work is underway, but lagging behind. • The code changes needed to support Symfony 5.0 are 68% complete thanks to work completed at Mautic Developer Days and the Mautic Community Sprint • These changes need to be reviewed and tested before they are ready for release • Signi cant volume of work remains to be done with updating the user interface to use Twig rather than PHP templates • Could you donate a tester or developer for 2-3 hours (ideally on Fridays) to help us fi fi stay on track? Join #t-product on Slack to nd out more!

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Mautic 5 will ship with PHP 8.1 support. • Supporting PHP 8 has required signi cant work and was blocked by several of our dependencies • We plan to ship Mautic 5 with support for PHP 8.1 • We are currently considering making one more minor release for Mautic 4 (4.4) which fi would only include support for PHP 8.0.

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Switching from Swiftmailer to Symfony Mailer: Some of the gains for the marketer include: • Send messages at immensely faster rates - 3.5x faster when compared to Mautic 4 • Less memory consumption, storage and performance issues - tested to run with 32 processes to send messages simultaneously instead of with a one process

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Considerations for Mautic 5.0: • Removing the Calendar bundle from Mautic - • Removing the web-based install and upgrade interface - • Removing the legacy email and landing page builder • We can only do this with a stronger team supporting the GrapesJS builder. Want to help? Join #grapesjs-builder on Slack.

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Where we’re going in the future … And, why?

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“ Our vision is to be the ultimate fully featured and scalable marketing automation layer that can stand alone or be dropped into any existing tech stack, enabling organisations to seamlessly deliver an integrated, personalised digital experience that delights marketers and customers alike. - Ruth Cheesley, Mautic Project Lead

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  1. Key projects on the horizon: Reduce what ships as Mautic Core to the bare essentials, allow the user to decide which features and functionality they need.

Implement new features and introduce new innovations to make Mautic the rst choice for today’s marketer. 3. fi Grow our awesome community of contributors, and raise awareness of Mautic around the world.

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Slimming down Mautic Core

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Goals: • Only install what is required by the user so we can improve performance, reduce unnecessary complexity, and create a better user experience. • Make it easier to add and remove features (in the same way as plugins), • Allow the Core Team to focus just on Core - careful handover to new maintainers of non-core functionality / plugins, • Detangle the plugin-dependency-spaghetti so that plugins are truly isolated to their own codebase.

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Composer 1 Marketplace Install-at-will Decoupling Composer support Having a centralised way for Properly isolating code for Allowing the user to install underpins the innovation in Mautic users to install, plugins and features to only Mautic Core - which this area, allowing us to remove and work with within their own code base may include selected install and manage features plugins unlocks the ability to helps us to reduce bugs and features and plugins - and and plugins both in the user allow the user to decide allow each feature to then selectively turn on interface and at the what features they need in function in isolation or to other features they need for command line. Mautic. clearly specify dependencies. their specific requirements. Implemented in 4.0 and Implemented in 4.0 and Work to be scoped, aim to Work to be scoped, aim to being refined. being refined. start Q4 2022. start Q1 2023. 2 3 4

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Features and innovation

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Goals: • Addressing some of the feature gaps to bring Mautic to the forefront as the Marketing Automation tool of choice. • Developing a clear product roadmap incorporating Strategic Initiatives, company-backed contributions and community-led projects, • Establishing ways for features to come to Mautic other than through volunteer-driven PRs, • Exploring creative ways to raise funding to support key initiatives.

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Collaborative Budgeting Mautic Roadmap 1 Resource Management Campaign Library Our first roadmap was Involving the wider Allowing users of Mautic to Allowing users of Mautic to released this year, and will community in deciding select from a pre-defined organise their resources in continue to be reviewed where our budget is spent library of Campaigns, and to Mautic by project, so that annually. This includes and helping to raise funds to import/export campaigns they can quickly and easily projects worked on in the have specific features from/to Mautic. Educate and find relevant resources. Also community and companies implemented according with empower the user with allows rolled-up reporting by who are sponsoring features. our roadmap. quick-start best practices project. #t-legal-finance #i-campaign-library #i-resource-management To be reviewed annually. Exploring tooling and Work to be scoped, aim to UX work done, ready for revisiting 2022 budget. start Q1 2023. dev - aim to start Q2 2023. 2 3 4

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Community growth

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Goals: • Grow our worldwide community ensuring we maintain our welcoming, friendly and supportive culture, and encourage more to get involved with contributing back to Mautic. • Raising awareness of Mautic and our community, • Improving our onboarding resources for new contributors, • Supporting all contributors to give what they are able, when and how they can.

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1 Local Communities Promote Mautic Contributor Experience We all know what Mautic is, Taking your first steps to The Marketing Team are For people getting started and the benefits of using it, contribute to Mautic can be working on developing with Mautic, having a local but the majority of the world daunting. This year we’re cross-channel campaigns group near to them can be outside our bubble do not. focusing on improving the which will be targeted to central to gaining confidence This is the year where we experience for all personas we want to reach with Mautic. We are going to start to change that, with the contributors with the Year of with the message about focus on getting in-person Promote Mautic initiative. the Contributor initiative. Mautic. meet-ups running this year. #I-promote-mautic #i-yotc #t-marketing #mautic-meetups Team currently forming - Team currently forming - Work to be scoped, aim to Ready and waiting for your get involved today! get involved today! start Q4 2022. proposals to host a group! 2 Direct Outreach 3 4

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Mautic is all of us … How you can help Mautic become more successful

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You are the key to our success. Without your help, Mautic will not grow to its full potential. 1. 2. 3. Promote Mautic Contribute to Mautic Support Mautic

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Promote Mautic Spreading the Mautic love!

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How you can help: • Start a Mautic Meetup group in your local area • Speak about Mautic at events, meet-ups and conferences • Contribute case studies to the Mautic Pitch Deck via the Marketing Team • Tell us about all the awesome things you are doing with Mautic! • Write about Mautic - blog posts, tutorials, best practice guides - and consider contributing them!

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Contribute to Mautic Get stuff done!

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How you can help: • Get involved with our Open Source Friday community sprints • If you are passionate about a particular area of Mautic, consider joining or creating a Tiger Team to make that area or feature better • Block out some time each week to give back to Mautic in whatever way you and your team can. If you rely on Mautic, a few hours a week will really help to keep us moving forward!

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Support Mautic Help us to do more!

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How you can help: • Become a regular monthly supporter for Mautic at whatever level you think appropriate (you can do this on Open Collective or GitHub Sponsors) • Fund a project, initiative or bug x that you want to have in Mautic but can’t work on yourself • Sponsor, attend, speak at or host events like this, fi which help us to bring the community together.

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Bringing things together

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Mautic 5 is coming soon!

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2022/3 Strategic Initiatives: ! INSTALL/UPGRADE RESOURCE MANAGEMENT MARKETPLACE Improving the installation and upgrade experience for Mautic users. Empowering Mautic users to work more effectively by organising their resources within Mautic. Allowing Mautic users to manage their features, plugins and themes from within Mautic.

CAMPAIGN LIBRARY CONTRIBUTORS Enabling users to quickly get started with reproducible best practice workflows. Attracting and retaining contributors to help us build and grow Mautic. ” % PROMOTE MAUTIC $ Spreading the word and widening the awareness of Mautic within open source and business.

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Ruth Cheesley (she/her) Mautic Project Lead What questions can I answer? for slides, recording, links and resources