Driving African Tech Growth with Mautic

A presentation at MautiCamp Africa 2023 in October 2023 in Lagos, Nigeria by Ruth Cheesley

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Driving African Tech Growth with Open Source Marketing Automation MautiCamp Africa @RCheesley

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Ruth Cheesley (she/her) Mautic Project Lead ruth.cheesley@mautic.org speaking.ruthcheesley.co.uk for slides, recording, links and resources @RCheesley

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Lagos is leading the way in the Mautic project! fi The largest meetup group, and the rst ever MautiCamp event!

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I had a bit of an accident last month! Fell down some steps on holiday after badly twisting my ankle on unstable ground 😭 Badly broke both the bones in my wrist, and had to have surgery to x everything back together. You could say I’m now the bionic woman! fi Please be very careful near my arm - I might need to sit down when we’re chatting so that I can rest it. Otherwise please do come and chat with me, don’t be scared!

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Open source to my core! • Entrepreneur - founded and run three businesses, all based on/using open source technologies • Marketer and digital comms specialist • Based in the UK • Came into tech the long way round fl • Crazy cat lady, long distance runner, autist (although not right now!), Buddhist

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Understanding open source Democratising access to technology, empowering change Image by Heinz Schmitz from Pixabay

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ti ti Wikihouse.cc. An open source architecture project that is created by a global community of architects, designers, engineers, scientists, organisers and entrepreneurs. Aims to put the knowledge and tools to build beau ful, zerocarbon buildings into the hands of every ci zen, community and business.

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arduino.cc. An open source electronics platform based on easy-to-use hardware and software, intended for anyone creating interactive electronics-based projects. Arduino’s mission is to enable anyone to enhance their lives through accessible electronics and digital technologies. There was once a barrier between the electronics, design, and programming world and the rest of the world. Arduino has broken down that barrier.

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tf fl ti tf Joomla.org. An open source Content Management System (CMS) which allows you to build powerful, dynamic websites and applications primarily for publishing web content. Aims to be the most exible, extendable pla orm which enables web creators to build powerful websites and applica ons with a free and open source community-powered pla orm.

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ti ti ti ti mau c.org. An open source Marketing Automation tool which empowers marketers to learn about their customers and personalise their communications across multiple different channels to develop a trusted relationship with the individual. Aims to enable marketers to free their marke ng through fully open source, customisable marke ng automa on tool which delights both the user and the customer alike.

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The world’s rst open source marketing automation platform fi Driving innovation and collaboration, while eliminating boundaries with open source

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“ Mautic began with a single focus. Equality. The Mautic community believes in giving every person the power to understand, manage, and grow their business or organization. Mautic is focused on helping this belief become a reality by getting powerful marketing automation software into the hands of everyone. - DB Hurley, Founder

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Marketing automation - no longer a nice to have • Streamline marketing efforts • Engage at scale • Make sense of the noise

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Mautic stands out in this space. • Adaptability • Scalability • Cost effectiveness • Grows with your business

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Customer nds you online and clicks through to a resource Customer receives discount code, opens page C U S T O M E R Customer presented with a discount code in exchange for email or mobile number Customer checks out reminder provided with discount code to use Email or SMS ( or any other appropriate channel) sent with discount code Discount code is applied and customer purchases item J O U R N E Y If opted in, send appropriate marketing information tailored to their browsing activity, stage and demographics Customer identi ed and their pro le is connected up with their browsing activity Customer receives checkout con rmation email/SMS/etc Customer receives Shipping updates, feedback survey etc A customer acquisition work ow fl fi fi fi fi Engaging with the customer at all stages to nurture the customer to conversion

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Can also push into many other systems by integrating with tools like n8n/Zapier Person visits your event landing page Person is shown focus item any time they engage C U S T O M E R Added to Mautic as an anonymous user Display a focus item advertising the event to encourage them to sign up Person registers to attend event J O U R N E Y Contact information matched with anonymous pro le, contact added to segment An event registration work ow fl Fully automating the event registration, checkin and follow up process fi Attendee receives event information by email and SMS reminders if opted in Attendee checked in (or not) at event, tag applied, added to post event automatic followup

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Why marketers and entrepreneurs love Mautic We love Mautic, and we think you will too

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Flexibility and interoperability Ultimate exibility to connect your Marketing Automation into your digital ecosystem. • Open plugin library • Open REST API, exible data model • Webhooks to connect other apps at any step in your campaigns fl fl • Seamless integration in many Content Management Systems (CMS)

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Short learning curve No need for advanced training or certi cation programs to get you started. • Get your rst mail out in just a few days • Start learning more about your leads right away fi fi • Mature your marketing automation step by step with endless freedom

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Powerful, customisable interface Compelling features that allow marketers to turn big ideas into reality. Fully automated. • Flexible email templates & forms • Intuitive campaign builder • Advanced segmentation and personalization • Lead scoring and nurturing

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A global community, driving innovation A large global community of users and developers sharing knowledge, best practices and driving innovation forward. We have your back. • Strategic & community initiatives • Local meetups, regional & global conferences • Tiger teams of subject matter experts • Community collaboration and support

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Interesting TCO - no license fee The great Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) comes from the option of choosing self-hosted or SaaS. • No lock-in or license fees • No complex pricing models • Plenty of template themes to get started • Options to go with a SaaS or PaaS provider if preferred (or create your own!)

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Philosophy of open Embracing open standards to connect ecosystems and provide valuable information on your leads. • Open source • Control over your data • Unlimited integrations and a powerful REST API • Open culture with a large community of users

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Some companies who have already made the switch Case studies of actual Mautic users and their experiences

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Asana Rebel - healthy lifestyle app Why Mau c? Visitors to the Asana Rebel website would sign up but fail to complete an app purchase, leading to lost opportunities. To combat this, the company implemented the open source version of Mautic, resulting in a substantial boost in revenue from email. • Increased number of emails sent per day by 43% • Boosted email revenue by 50% ti mautic.org/case-studies

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Comarch - global software house Why Mau c? Comarch needed a solution that would meet the substantial requirements of their mul channel marke ng strategy, allow it to integrate with internal systems, and ensure the storage of customer data on their secure servers. • Fully integrated with in-house CRM, CMS and internal systems • Centralised multiple marketing departments to using one single tool, providing a uni ed experience for customers ti fi ti ti mautic.org/case-studies

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uTest - Software testers community Why Mau c? uTest needed to meet the needs of testers at various stages in their journey. Locked into a proprietary system they couldn’t access many parts of the marketing journey. • Deployed personalized campaigns to 44,000+ active users simultaneously worldwide • Reduced individual user churn during the rst 30 days from 62 to 26 fi fi ti • Reduced rolling churn during the rst 2 weeks from 20 to 4 mautic.org/case-studies

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Rotkäppchen-Mumm Why Mau c? A GDPR compliant system that could scale to 40+ brand websites was needed. This provided them with the ability to create, control, automate and unify marketing operations. • Implemented GDPR compliant systems for 40+ brands • Centralized management of critical consent and age veri cation processes • Single overview of all contacts in one platform fi ti mautic.org/case-studies

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Africa’s entrepreneurial ecosystem Focus on digital transformation represents an enormous opportunity Source: West Africa Digital Entrepreneurship Program : An Initiative of the Digital Economy for Africa (DE4A), World Bank

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35+ 1,000+ 26 50,000+ Language Translations Active Contributors Community Partners & Sponsors Across The World Organizations Using Mautic mautic.org

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Mautic is growing, rapidly And with it the ecosystem - and opportunities for innovation

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Mautic provides many opportunities for growth • Use Mautic within your own business to deliver your marketing more effectively • Provide Mautic as an additional service through your business to local or global audiences • Provide services, plugins and themes to the rapidly growing, worldwide Mautic community fi • Develop your own multi-tenant infrastructure and offer Mautic in a SaaS environment, speci cally tailored to your own regional requirements

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Mautic - democratising access to state of the art marketing automation technology. Putting powerful marketing automation software into the hands of entrepreneurs and marketers, helping them to grow their businesses and contributing to the vibrant, innovative entrepreneurial ecosystem.

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Ruth Cheesley (she/her) Mautic Project Lead What questions can I answer? ruth.cheesley@mautic.org speaking.ruthcheesley.co.uk for slides, recording, links and resources